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5 mental and physical strategies that made the impossible...possible

Have you wondered what it takes to be successful in weight loss and weight management, year-round?

If you answered yes, I have a (short) story for you.

It was the first week of December and I was driving home. I was listening to the latest call from my life coach and she said something that struck a chord in me. She said...


"People who set and achieve goals in December, can accomplish anything any time of the year."


Boom... mic drop. That was one of those moments that stuck with me. I kept repeating that over and over again in my mind.

Could I be one of those people she's talking about?

Rewind time a bit and over the past few months I had seen the scale inch up pound by pound unsure if it was muscle gain or fat gain... most likely both. Either way, I wanted to see it stabilize closer to my goal weight.

So I decided to see if I was the type of person she was talking about, and set a goal to lose weight in... December. Eek!

So I sat down and looked at my calendar. It was filled with Christmas get togethers, dinner outings, and this year, a family trip to New York City... which in my opinion is the BEST place to get any food you want, and it's pretty much all amazing.

My coach's words echoed in my mind...if I can set and accomplish a goal in December I can face any challenge.

I've been working on self mastery for some time now. And it is a true desire for me to be THAT type of person. So I decided I was going to make it happen.

The month's activities, travel, and outings came and went and I successfully accomplished my goal and lost 5 pounds in December. I did it without feeling deprived or with any trace of FOMO. Impossible, you say? Well, let me share 5 mental and physical strategies that made the impossible...possible so you too can accomplish goals in times when it seems...impossible.

  1. Basics Are the Bedrock: Years of learning and practicing the basics like mindful eating, prioritizing protein, making decisions ahead of time, and planned indulgences laid the groundwork for my success. Doubling down on fundamental habits kept me free of stress as these have become second nature to me. It doesn't mean I don't slip up... I certainly do, but returning to the basics is key.

  2. Mind Over Matter: The true battle isn't fought with weights or scales; it's won in the mind. Practicing what I teach about becoming the Boss of our Brains was truly what empowered me to navigate temptations without feeling deprived. I have fought a scarcity mindset for years, and continue to work at it, so FOMO is a real thing for me!

  3. Balance Is Key: I certainly didn't say 'no' to every treat offered to me, and I even made and ate my famous egg nog cheesecake! I took advantage of mindful indulgences and listened to my body, instead of the food pushers at the parties. Oh and that egg nog cheesecake... after I had my indulgence, I gave the leftovers to a friend. It's become my tradition over the years because he loves it just as much as I do, and I don't keep the tempting leftovers in the fridge!

  4. Adaptability Triumphs: Things almost never go as planned, especially during travel. On one occasion, I had planned a balanced lunch in NYC and when we got to our destination, it was full of unhealthy options. So, I stood with my family in an underground market and ate dumplings - far from a balanced meal but it did have protein! Learning to adapt without abandoning my goals was vital.

  5. Strength Beyond the Physical: While physical health is a top priority for me, my mental and emotional resilience is equally crucial. Nurturing these aspects ensured that the month was more about holistic well-being than just shedding pounds. That dumpling meal could have really sent me spinning... but I knew that it was a small part of the overall month. I gotta practice what I preach!

With the right mindset and habits cultivated over time, you can achieve your weight and health goals - even when it seems like it might be impossible! Small, consistent steps lead to significant outcomes.

I encourage you to recognize the strength within you, focus on the basics, build your mental and emotional muscles, and find joy in the journey. If I can achieve a goal in what seems like an impossible time, I am confident that you can too. I'm no magical unicorn!

My husband and I in front of the Rockefeller Christmas tree. I've dreamed of being in NYC during the Christmas holiday for years. And apparently so have 10 million other people. ha ha!

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Jun 25, 2024

This past Christmas we were able to be in Rockefeller Center on Christmas Eve and have a similar pic - enjoyed reading this post and am finding new joy in the journey to healthy Joyce!

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