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About Me


Meet Coach Jen

I am a certified coach specializing in nutrition, weight loss, behavior change, menopause, and life coaching. As a mom, wife, and devoted disciple of Jesus Christ, my faith and personal experiences shape everything I do. I am passionate about helping people transform from the inside out—addressing not only physical health but also mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being—so they can create a life they love living in. My mission is to guide individuals to achieve a healthy weight and build confidence, strength, and self-worth, empowering them to feel good in their skin and live with purpose and joy.

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My Journey

They say a good story starts in the middle - at the point where the character is at a crossroads, a breakthrough moment that changes their lives. So I’ll start there.


It took the perfect storm of life circumstances colliding to understand the importance of health in my own life. 


I still remember the day in May of 2020 that I saw the picture that was posted on Instagram. It took me a minute to identify myself since the picture was from behind as we were walking. When I saw it, my heart sank and I couldn’t believe that what I was looking at was ME. 


The years prior had been packed full of changes - what I’ll refer to as my perfect storm. That perfect storm included: my husband’s job loss and new job, moving my family to a new area, building a house and changing living situations three times in the process, my son deciding to live with his dad, a law suit for a house I left with my ex husband a decade prior, and the divorce of my mom and step dad

…and all the stress that came with it created a new person that I could hardly recognize. I think I was just surviving all of the events the best I could. 


When I saw the picture of myself, it all came crashing down. How did I let myself get to this point?

Not only physically, but emotionally I was a wreck. As with most marriages, when life is full of all the things, our closest relationships can be affected the most.

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It was the time in my life where I realized I had created unhealthy habits and an unhealthy life. 


From the outside, things seemed fine. 

But on the inside, I was really struggling to keep it all together. 


I was hiding the fact that I felt so ashamed about my physical health and tried anything to change my physical appearance. 


Shake diets, pills, cleanses, near starvation, and even freezing my fat in one of those machines that literally suck your fat into a square shaped container and try to freeze it like a popsicle. 


​I still remember the day it all came crashing down on me. My husband wanted to go for a bike ride to the park just a mile or so down the road. It was in June and the heat of the day was starting to set in.

I hopped on my bike with a little less than 200 calories in my body for the day and started to ride. The hills are pretty steep where we live, and I was pleased I made it to and around the park, but when we started to head back, those 200 calories had long been spent and I couldn’t make it home. I collapsed on the side of the road and told my husband he had to get the car to take me home. 


I was embarrassed, and ashamed and had to admit to him that because I was unhappy with my health, I was limiting my calories to near starvation levels… but it wasn’t working. 


It was shortly after that when I was reading a blog post about a woman who was in a similar situation to mine and she decided after trying and failing at so many things that she would pray to the very being that created us and ask for help - since He knows every cell in our body, He would surely know how to help her. 


I decided to do the same thing. I prayed in deep sincerity and awaited guidance to the answer. 

I felt drawn not only to an exercise program, but also to a life coach to help me with my marriage. I still remember the advertisement I clicked on that said “Stop fighting with your spouse.”


And that was the start of my journey to a better life, inside and out. 


I learned through my life coach about the power of our thoughts and how we could own and change our lives, starting with our minds. This unlocked my potential and I committed to my health goals in a way I never had before. 


Strengthened in my knowledge that I was lead to these solutions by Heavenly Father, the changes started to show - first inside and then outside. I was feeling better than I had in a very long time and my marriage was improving day by day. 

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Inspired by the difference it  made in my life, I became certified as a nutrition and health coach and at the same time, consumed as much material as I could on neurology, behavior science, and mindset work. 


I left my corporate America job with a passion to help people who want to take control of their lives and become the best and healthiest versions of themselves.


I teach people how to achieve a healthy life - mind, body and spirit. I don’t just tell them how to eat or exercise, I help them understand how to CHANGE and how to make those changes last by becoming what I call the boss of our brains.

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