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Don't Fall For Weight Loss Scams

We've all seen emails with subject lines like: Lose 10 lbs SUPER FAST - without even trying

And some of us have clicked on them...

Lately, my inbox has been filled with emails promising companionship and intimate encounters with complete strangers that left me wondering WHAT in the world did I click on to get on these email lists? Ugh!

And then I asked myself... does this crap even work?

But then I remembered about a decade ago, I worked with a guy who fell in love with a woman from Russia. He showed me pictures of his 'girlfriend' who had a picture perfect figure and a face to match.

He was so enamored and told all of his co-workers about his new found love.

But something just didn't add up. You see, this man was a significantly overweight balding guy with coke bottle glasses who had recently been divorced, putting him in a big financial bind.

Some of us concerned co-workers asked if he was sending her money. His answer....yes, because she needed money to pay off her bills so she can come to Houston so they could get married.

You can probably guess what happened next... girl takes boy's money... girl makes excuses why she can't come to the US... girl asks boy for more money... boy sends more money... eventually boy runs out of money... girl ends relationship, and the two never meet in person. As many of us predicted, he got scammed.

It wasn't like this guy was some inexperienced kid. This man ran the sales organization for a multi-million dollar company and made big decisions EVERY day that were smart, educated decisions.

As I thought back I asked, how on earth did he fall for such an obvious scam?

And then...I was served a big ole piece of humble pie. I thought about the dozens of emails I once clicked on promising quick weight loss solutions, not to mention the hundreds of dollars I spent on diets, pills, shakes, cleanses and fat freezing procedures (insert face palm here).

So then I started thinking... why do these tactics work so well? After all, the diet industry is a $76 Billion dollar industry for a reason.

To find the answer, take a trip with me back to grade school.

Remember that guy Maslow? He created the hierarchy of basic needs... survival, safety, belonging, esteem and self actualization.

Marketers and scam artists have done their research and know exactly how to manipulate us, using these BASIC needs, namely esteem and belonging. You see for many of us, the size of our waistline and how we fit into our clothes is part of our need for esteem and sometimes, even belonging.

So how do we know what's real or just a... scam? Want the decoder ring? Here are 5 things I know to be true about achieving goals having to do with weight loss, overcoming emotional eating, and obtaining better health.

  1. It's NOT fast. Anyone offering "FAST" results is probably not giving you the whole story. It's a crockpot process, so don't expect microwave results.

  2. It's NOT easy. When you're trying to change limiting beliefs, unwind years of buying into the diet culture, and years of bad habits, change is anything BUT easy. It is absolutely possible, but don't expect it to be all rainbows and butterflies on your path to a better YOU. Beware of anything advertised as "easy."

  3. Your food is most likely 60-80% of the problem. Most of your stubborn weight is hanging on because of inflammation, stress, and poor gut health, most of which can be solved by dialing in your nutrition. Understanding what to eat is half the battle. Understanding why you should eat it is the other half. If you're being sold on meal plans, pre-packaged food, or anything that doesn't educate you... you may want to skip it. For long term results, you'll need to change the way you eat and understand the why behind the changes so you can make empowered decisions for life.

  4. Your emotional state is a bigger part of the equation than you might think. If you're stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, and exhausted, it's going to be 10x harder to make changes for your health. It just is. Any work you do needs to include your mental and emotional health so you can clear the path for real change. This is why so many 'one size fits all' approaches rarely work, because they tell you what to do, but not how to be nimble when life throws up roadblocks, barriers and land mines.

  5. It's 1000% worth it. Finding and changing limiting beliefs, learning true principles of wellness, and building a life of true, deep health is worth more than all the riches in the world. Because the work you put in helps you become a new person... one that you'll be so stinkin' proud of! Talk about esteem! See what I did there?

Ok that was a long one, but hopefully it inspired you to rethink clicking on crazy quick fixes that will only leave you - like my old co-worker - disappointed and discouraged. Poor guy!

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