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Ready to finally lose the weight and become the healthiest version of yourself? you can enjoy life instead of constantly
worrying about your weight!

Brain Boss to Weight Loss is designed to help you: 

  • Identify, and overcome what is keeping you from taking action, and sticking with it

  • Know how your body works and what it really needs to be healthy

  • Design a healthy life that will become part of who you are - so you don't even have to think about it anymore


PAY ATTENTION because this is important if you want to really take control and reach your goals.

Raise your hand if this is you... 

  • Constantly and almost obsessively thinking about your weight. 

  • Seemingly controlled by emotional eating and other self-sabotaging behaviors.

  • Feeling defeated when stepping on the scale, so you give up.

  • Tired of feeling sluggish, uncomfortable in your skin, irritable, and self critical of your body. 

  • Losing hope because you keep saying you'll start 'tomorrow' and you never do.

  • Feeling frustrated that you can't seem to get yourself to DO the things you know you need to in order to reach your weight goals. 

  • Frustrated with trying to be so careful on diets, sick of tracking calories, and feeling deprived from flavors you love. 

If you raised your hand, I'm willing to bet you've tried one of these... â€‹

  • Restricting your calories to 1200-1500 a day, which might have helped you lose some weight but you gained it all back, and maybe then some.

  • Skipping meals regularly, trying to test your willpower against your appetite.

  • The latest diet, only to stay on it for a couple weeks and then give up. 

  • Throwing money after temporary fixes like shake diets, fat freezing sessions, and cleanses only to be right back where you started a short while later, just lighter in your pocket book. 

  • Scrolling social media for hours trying to find inspiration, advice and tips to help you in your weight loss journey.

The real problem?  You're focusing on all the wrong things

Bottom Line: the best way to achieve sustainable weight loss is to identify the REAL problem, so you can build a healthy life that fits your lifestyle, your goals, and your unique body. 

Not for everyone, BUT for YOU!

And until you know what's holding you back, you'll waste time and money trying program after program...nowhere closer to your goals.

Not to mention, you'll continue to reinforce the lie that if you were more motivated, strong enough or had enough will
power, you'd be able to figure this out.

What happens if you keep doing t
he same things you've been doing...stuck in the same cycle, convinced that trying another diet, pill, shake, or program will somehow solve a challenge you've had for years

You'll continue to beat yourself up for failures, feel uncomfortable in your skin, and maybe even p
ass these beliefs to your kids. This is what I call the... 

Compulsive Craver

The Compulsive Craver is preoccupied with weight loss all the time, trying to figure out what will finally work. 


Constantly feeling like she's battling her own body. 


The Compulsive Craver feels like she doesn't have time to focus on her health - and is constantly prioritizing others' needs above her health and wellbeing. 


This woman feels like she is controlled by her emotions, constantly turning to food to cope, not knowing how to stop. 


She is constantly putting herself down with negative self talk that increases with every perceived failure. 


She feels uncomfortable in her own skin and is ashamed of how she looks, cropping her body out of photos or hiding behind people in group photos.


And she's so sick and tired of being exhausted all the time, having headaches, aches and pains that she knows is caused by her unhealthy state. 


If you feel like a Compulsive Craver, you're not broken and it's not your fault!

You've been doing the best you can with the tools and information you've been given. If you grew up in the 'low-fat', 'carbs are bad' era like I did, you've been mislead... and you've been operating from what you've been taught.

Want to start thinking like a...

Self Mastery Maven

The Self Mastery Maven knows her infinite worth, and that her body is a gift and it deserves the best of care. 


She knows what food nourishes her, and knows how to care for her body for deep, lasting health. 


She knows her health is worth prioritizing because it means she can show up as a better wife, mother, sister and friend. 


The Self Mastery Maven knows that self mastery is not about white knuckling will power, but is a daily striving in her thoughts, emotions and actions. 


She leads with curiosity and compassion, not judgement and self-criticism.


She has patience and grace for herself, knowing that life is sometimes unpredictable, and that her health is not a destination, but an ongoing endeavor...a journey that can be enjoyed.


She knows her body and mind work together for her health and wellness and works on both. 


When you start becoming a Self Mastery Maven and stop being the Compulsive Craver, when it's really inside of you, in your body, in your habits, you won't have to think about it anymore. It will be WHO you are.

When you become the Self Mastery Maven, your energy is transformed into positive, productive energy, aimed at doing, accomplishing, and creating things in the world, instead of worrying about how you look, why you feel tired, and why those pounds just hang on and slow you down. Just think of all the fabulous things you can create in the world if you felt free, empowered and self-confident. 


And once you learn how to become a Self Mastery Maven, you get to stop looking for a solution year after year because you'll have all the knowledge and expertise to design the healthy life you want. 


You'll be free from thinking about how to solve your weight problems constantly and you'll heal your relationship with food and with your body. 


And that's what I'm here to do...

Help you become a Self Mastery Maven faster than you could on your own! 


To truly transform, you'll need to tackle several aspects of your health...

You need to figure out what is keeping you stuck in the same hopeless cycle, and how to transform old beliefs and patterns, so you can make progress in your goals. Coaches have special skills to help you identify your unique obstacles, and tools to help you make the changes to your mindset that will be needed if you really want to make progress. 

Most of us don't understand the basic science of our bodies and the power of nutrition. Too many of us have grown up in the deceptive diet culture and haven't been taught true, correct principles of deep health. As a Health Coach, I teach you how to make empowered decisions that you will use the rest of your life.  can't tell you how many a-ha's I see my clients have when we talk about our bodies and nutrition! You'll never need to seek out another diet or program again because you'll be armed with knowledge and skills for lasting health. 

Because we have to unlearn so much, many of us get stuck in analysis paralysis mode, and need ideas and support to get un-stuck. With a coach, you'll have someone to ask all your questions, and provide tips and ideas to get you unstuck!

And, most of us need accountability. Weekly calls keep you accountable to what you commit to. happens and no one is perfect, but having someone to report back to can give you the nudge you need to keep going.


Maybe you're thinking...
I already know what to do. I just need to commit and try harder. 

If it were that easy, wouldn't you have gotten after it already?

The truth is that the real, and most important work begins in your mind, even before the work in kitchen or the gym. 

The problem is that most of us can't see what's holding us back. And if you can't see it, how can you change it?

Sometimes it takes an unbiased, external perspective to help us identify those thoughts, beliefs, habits and mental blind spots I like to call 'emotional parking brakes.' It's like driving, having your foot on the gas and the brake at the same time. Once you know how to take your foot off the brake, you can really make progress toward your destination. 

Only once you identify your emotional parking brakes can you make the shift that allows you to truly manufacture motivation to become the healthiest version of yourself. I call this - becoming the Boss of your Brain, because you don't have to be subject to your thoughts, beliefs or emotions. You can be the manager of them. 

I can help you become the boss of your brain!

Brain Boss to Weight Loss


Brain Boss to Weight Loss isn't like other weight loss programs you've tried in the past. It's a process that will transform you inside and out as you move from: 

Compulsive Craver

Self Mastery Maven

  • You will learn how your mind and body work together. 
  • You will learn how to unveil your secret hidden weapon to finally DO the healthy actions, not just think about them. 
  • You will have knowledge about how your body works and how to fix damage and imbalances caused by diets, poor nutrition, stress and other root causes to stubborn weight. 
  • You will know the power of designing your identity, and when you really know something inside and out, you will see all the opportunities to apply the knowledge through action every single day. 
  • You will know how to apply these health principles to YOUR life, in your circumstances in a consistent manner because you have tools, and resources to set yourself up for success.
  • You will be empowered to transform into the healthiest version of yourself because you will understand how amazing, how incredible, and how beautiful your body is already, right now... not in the future when you lose the weight, but right this second.  

The Brain Boss Method is a Unique Fusion of 4 Elements:

  1. Boss Your Brain: Your brain is a meaning-making machine. I'll teach you how to stop being subject to your thoughts and emotions and how to become the manager of them. Your emotional state directly impacts your physical health. You will learn how your body and mind work together for your overall health and wellness, and how to harness the power of your brain to empower healthy choices.

  2. Design Your Identity: Your identity drives your decisions every day. I'll teach you how to design and become the woman you long to be, and unwind any past identities that might be holding you back.

  3. Nourish Your Body: Nutrition is key to health and longevity and is responsible for 90% of your physique. I'll help you unlearn unhealthy beliefs about food and learn scientifically-backed nutrition principles so you'll know how to nourish your body for the rest of your life. 

  4. Elevate Your Habits: Learn how to build healthy habits that stick using proven techniques that make healthy decisions and actions an automatic part of your life so you don't even have to think about it.

Brain Boss to Weight Loss is the Last Program You'll Ever Need because... 

Brain Boss to Weight Loss isn’t about controlling your food, or teaching you how to just white knuckle through another diet. It’s about equipping you with the power of knowledge, backed by science, the latest psychology, real-life experiences and an arsenal of tools and techniques. 

Meet Your Coach: Jen Hoyer

Hey there! I'm Jen Hoyer, Founder of Wellness Mastery for Life and creator of Brain Boss to Weight Loss. 


I know how frustrating living in an overweight and unhealthy body can be. I've been there, and lost over 30 lbs when it seemed impossible! And I want to help you do the same. But the results didn't come from a quick fix or a fad diet, they came from sound health principles and mindset work to truly transform my mind, and body. 


I have a passion for helping women become the healthiest versions of themselves, because I want to help create generational health! I teach women how to live a healthy life with balance, compassion and joy, so they can pass it on to their children, so they never fall for the deceptive diet culture and world of confusing information and fads. Will you help me create generational health? Meet me in Brain Boss to Weight Loss to join the movement. For you...for your children and future generations.  



Here's what you'll learn inside Brain Boss to Weight Loss

Sustainable weight loss is within reach!

01 Boss Your Brain

Become a Brain Boss To Take Action on Your Health Goals.

This is the foundation! I’ll teach you how your brain works, why it matters, and how to manage your thoughts and emotions for success. You'll learn a powerful self-coaching model that you can use beyond our time together for lasting success—not just with your health, but in all areas of your life!

In this pillar you will learn how to: 

  1. Harness the power of your brain to take action towards your health goals

  2. Manufacture the motivation necessary to achieve your desired outcomes

  3. Identify and address the root causes of self-sabotage, emotional eating, and other unhealthy habits

  4. Uncover and transform limiting beliefs that impede personal growth and progress

  5. Acquire tools to cultivate emotional resilience, for greater self-control and mastery

  6. Fire your inner critic and recruit your inner coach for sustained progress

03 Nourish Your Body

Go Beyond Feeding – Nourish Your Body and Feel Incredible!

Learn how to nourish your body—not just feed it. You’ll also receive a custom nutrition plan tailored to you. No need to weigh your food—I’ll teach you a simple way to manage portions and reach your goals without stress. I’ll also share the strategies I used to lose over 30 pounds. These game-changing strategies will set you up for success, helping you feel balanced on your journey to a better body and better health, without feeling deprived or out of control. These are tools you’ll use for a lifetime.


In this pillar, you'll learn how to: 

  1. Free yourself from the endless cycle of diet shame and disappointment

  2. Gain insight into your body's needs and learn how to nourish it effectively for optimal well-being

  3. Achieve the perfect balance that aligns with your unique life

  4. Develop a mindful connection with your hunger and fullness signals

  5. Identify and steer clear of ingredients and foods that can manipulate your brain and disrupt your body's natural processes

02 Design Your Identity

Stop Living by Default. Learn to Live by Design!

You are living by a set of rules created by your identity. When you learn how to design a new identity, making healthy decisions becomes easy and effortless. You'll be able to apply the knowledge and tools from this program to everyday decisions because it's about WHO you are, not just the size you want to be.
In this pillar you will learn how to: 

  1. Transform from Compulsive Craver to Self-Mastery Maven by unwinding old identities and fostering healing in your relationship with yourself, your body, and food. 

  2. Design a new identity that goes beneath the surface for lasting transformation.

  3. Overcome the adversaries of your new identity with proven strategies for conquering obstacles

04 Elevate Your Habits

Put Healthy Habits on Autopilot and Free Up Your Mind Space!

I’ll teach you how to reframe your goals as part of your mind management. You’ll also learn how to break down your goals into micro-habits and actions, gradually building up to life-long practices that become as non-negotiable as brushing your teeth.


In this pillar you'll learn how to: 

  1. Set empowering expectations for change to stay motivated

  2. Shift your perspective and reframe goals for ongoing motivation

  3. Break free from unhealthy habits hindering progress

  4. Cultivate effortless health routines

  5. Implement effective strategies to overcome emotional and overeating challenges

  6. Adopt four empowering eating habits for transformation

Hear From Past Brain Boss to Weight Loss Members

Hands Touching
"I feel truly blessed to have stumbled across your course. It has changed my life!
I’ve been trying to change my lifestyle and habits to lose weight, be happy, and live longer for most of my adult life. I’ve tried many different things, and nothing worked until this year. I used to be on the diet rollercoaster and would lose weight temporarily only to gain it back again all while physically feeling poorly with IBS-like symptoms.  Since taking the Atomic Habits and Brain Boss courses, I’ve incrementally changed my lifestyle and how I look at what I eat. I’m more committed to my health, wellness, and happiness than ever.  Thank you, Coach Jen for these amazing courses!"

Tammy C. 

Here's what you'll get when you join...

  • Lifetime access to training modules and recordings so you can revisit and review throughout your journey even after the program ends. Weight loss takes longer than 10 weeks! These valuable recordings will be there for your whole journey!

  • The Brain Boss to Weight Loss workbook packed with tools to help guide you apply what you learn in Brain Boss to Weight Loss.

  • Weekly LIVE trainings so you can gain the lifetime knowledge you need to avoid the yo-yo weight struggle for life. 

  • Weekly LIVE  coaching sessions to help you create permanent behavior changes so that you can finally win the weight loss battle.

  • Customized nutrition plan with portion guidance, to fit your goals and needs.

  • Access to a private community, where I'll answer questions and provide additional coaching in between live sessions.

  • Mobile App for on the go access.

  • Plus bonuses!

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

I do offer a money-back guarantee, but I’m only looking for serious action takers. So you need to show that you gave the program a try before requesting a refund. I do this because I am not looking for tire-kickers, but true go-getters that want to dive in and get results quickly. If you do the work, and you’re still not satisfied, show me your work within 30 days of enrolling, and I’ll gladly give you a refund.

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